Are you a property manager? Whether you have one property or a hundred, we can help you with your parking lot management!  Joe’s Towing & Recovery works with multiple local property owners, universities, and municipalities and would be happy to extend the same professionalism and experience to your property’s needs.

Complete the Form Below to Apply for Parking Lot Management Services

  • This agreement is hereby entered into and between Joe's Towing & Recovery And “client”:

    Client authorizes Joe's Towing & Recovery and its agents to remove unauthorized vehicles and illegally parked vehicles in accordance with the provisions in the state of Illinois ordinances. I, the above referenced individual, will be the principally designated person recognized by this contract to assign Joe's Towing & Recovery and its agents to lawfully remove unauthorized vehicles and illegally parked vehicles from the referenced site. This agreement will serve as client’s authorization for Joe's Towing & Recovery to act as its agent in the removal on sight of any and all unauthorized vehicles or illegally parked vehicles that are covered by this contract. Client represents and warrants that it has the right to authorize and effect such immediate removal of vehicles from its premises. Furthermore, client agrees to indemnify and hold Joe's Towing & Recovery harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, lawsuits, losses, damages and/or liabilities, including attorney’s fees and costs of defense, which may arise pursuant to this agreement, except in the case of any damages to a vehicle caused solely by the gross negligence and/or illegal conduct of always towing & recovery or its agents. Joe's Towing & Recovery shall look primarily to owner(s) of the removed vehicle(s) for payment of its towing and storage charges. Client shall only be responsible for such charges if the removal was erroneously authorized by client or its agents. This contract can be cancelled within thirty (30) days by written notice from either party.

    I represent and warrant that I am the legal owner of the above listed property, or that I am an Authorized representative of the legal owner of said property, and am fully authorized to enter Into this agreement, and all of the rights herein granted without the need for any further Consent or approval of any third party, and that the rights I have granted hereunder will not conflict with or violate any commitment, agreement or understanding that I have or will have.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.